What we provide you.
Same day appointments for urgent care
On-call care during closed office hours.
We are here to help you on your way to better health.
Select / click the “name” or “+” to open/close description of desired service.
+ IV Therapies
IV Therapy is a primary treatment option for managing patients with acute, chronic, or critical illnesses. Common conditions that require IV therapies include dehydration, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and infections.
+ Joint Injections
Intramuscular and Intra-Articular joint injections to reduce pain in the hips, knees and shoulders to help you Live Better.
+ In-Office Lab Draws
We draw blood in our offices to help diagnose, prevent, or treat medical illnesses. We work closely with external labs to offer you quick and accurate results.
+ EKG (Electrocardiogram)
An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) test is a simple, painless procedure that measures electrical signals in your heart. An EKG test is used to find and/or monitor various heart disorders which include irregular heart beat, blocked arteries, heart damage, heart failure and heart attacks. You may need an EKG test if you have symptoms of a heart disorder which include chest pain, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, diziness and fatigue. An EKG is also used to monitor mechnical devices implanted in the heart and effectiveness of medications.
+ Echocardiogram
An echocardiogram is a test that uses ultrasound to show how your heart muscle and valves are working. You may need an echocardiogram to look for heart disease, monitor heart valve disease over time or see how well medical or surgical treatments are working.
+ Arterial Doppler
Arterial Doppler ultrasound is a test that uses high-frequency sound waves to measure the amount of blood flow through your arteries and veins, that supply blood to your arms and legs. Blood flow studies, can detect abnormal flow within an artery or blood vessel. This can help to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including blood clots and poor circulation. You may need an Arterial Doppler exam if you show signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), superficial thrombophlebitis, arteriosclerosis, thromboangilitis obliterans, or vascular tumors.
+ Pulmonary Function Test
Pulmonary function test (PFTs) is a noninvasive test that shows how well the lungs are working. The test measures lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange. This information can help your provider diagnose and decide the treatment of certain lung disorders.
+ Wound Care
Wound care is important for wound healing. Wound care can prevent more serious complications from occuring. Wound dressings, collagen-specific enzymes, sulfa antibiotics, and antiseptics are used to prevent infection and to speed healing.
+ Nebulizer Treatment
A nebulizer is used to treat a chronic respiratory condition such as asthma, COPD, respiratory infections, bronchitis and other lung disorders. It is a machine that turns liquid medicine into a mist that you inhale through a connected mouthpiece. You take deep breaths for 10 to 15 minutes so the medicine can get into your lungs, opening air pathways and increasing oxygen intake.
+ Oxygen Administration
Administration of oxygen is a process of providing the oxygen supply for the treatment of low concentrations of oxygen in the blood. A common use of supplementary oxygen is in people with COPD, the occurrence of chronic bronchitis or emphysema, a common long-term effect of smoking, who may require additional oxygen to breathe either during a temporary worsening of their condition, or throughout the day and night.
+ Flu Vaccination
OneHealth offers in-office Influenza vaccinations. Give us a call to scheduel an appointment.
+ Minor Skin Procedures
OneHealth provides in-office minor skin procedures under sterile conditions and control the possible pain by providing local anesthetic. Minor skin procedures include treating a previously biopsied mole or suspicious skin mark, repairing skin wounds that require sterile cleaning and stitches, and removing moles and skin tags for therapeutic or cosmetic reasons.
+ Case Management
OneHealth has in-office Case Managers to help you Live Better! Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet your individual and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote patient safety, quality of care, and cost effective outcomes.
+ Clinical Research
OneHealth patients have opportunties to receive novel therapeutics by participating in clinical research trials through our sister company, Tampa Bay Medical Research.
+ Disease Management
Disease Mangement Programs are structured treatment plans that aim to help you better manage your chronic disease and to Live Better! Our programs include Cholestrol Management, Diabetes Management and Osteoporosis Management.