Largo West
13819 Walsingham Road Suite F
Largo FL 33774
(727) 228 • 0850
Hours of Operation
8:00am • 5:00pm (Monday thru Friday)
On-Call Care Available 24/7
Our Medical Team.
Largo West’s experienced Internal Medicine and Family Practice Providers.
Select / click the “name” or “+” to open / close full description and qualifications.
+ Vimarie Rodriguez MD
Board Certified Family Medicine
Language: English, Spanish + Italian
Experience: 20+ years
About Dr. Rodriguez coming soon!
Bachelors Degree, University of Puerto Rico, Rico Piedras, Puerto Rico
Medical Degree, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
Residency, Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Virtual Tour.
Press “Play” button on the video for a virtual tour of our primary care facility. To view full screen, press the square “expand screen” icon on the bottom right corner of video.
Where to find us.
Why OneHealth?
It’s all about you!
Same day appointments available.
Never feel alone with our 24/7 on-call care. It’s all about you. More Time. Better Care.
Contact us.
Schedule a tour or book an appointment to get started on your plan to “Live Better”
Please note that this form submission does not verify an appointment. Our staff will contact you to confirm & schedule your visit.
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